ESPERANTO, FOR THOSE unfamiliar with it, is an artificial language dating from the 1880s. Its developers hoped it would bridge language barriers between intellectuals and statesmen around the world. It is a tongue without a country and today its speakers…
Comments closedWestlake Records Blog Posts
WE JAZZ MUSICIANS are at war, battling for a share of radio, TV, movie, and Internet exposure to keep our music alive. And the only chance we have to accomplish that is to work together, to help one another. The…
Comments closedFEW PEOPLE REMEMBER his name or know who he was. Dick Cary was an excellent jazz pianist, composer, and horn player. He was a very intelligent, educated, erudite gentleman. He also was my friend and mentor. He was born on…
Comments closedI TRIED SOMETHING bizarre this month out of sheer frustration and it worked pretty well. I have been unable to get my “A” team into the studio for four months; someone always is working. So, instead, I used a computer…
Comments closedSUPPOSE YOUR FAVORITE sport were baseball. How much would you like it if, over the years, teams rarely or never introduced a new player? What if, instead, the same players continued year after year even if they could hardly hit,…
Comments closedONE SATURDAY NIGHT near the end of my first semester as a freshman at UCLA the Dave Brubeck Quartet performed at Kirkhoff Hall and, for students, admission was free. The band consisted of its four original members, Paul Desmond on alto…
Comments closedAT THE AGE of 16 I passed my driver’s test and my parents let me borrow the car on the third Sunday of every month to drive 45 minutes to Glendale. The Southern California Hot Jazz Society met at an…
Comments closedTURN ON THE radio for music and you will hear vocals. Sure, your city may have a public radio station with a jazz show (usually rebroadcast from another location) or perhaps a few hours of orchestral music. But you will…
Comments closedTHE FOLLOWING DIATRIBE IS DELIBERATELY CONTROVERSIAL HAVE YOU EVER heard horrible jazz on the radio and wondered how on earth it got there? One big reason is vanity record labels. Around 1980 I noticed the vast majority of selections the Los…
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